Restorative Practices
What is Restorative Justice and Its Practices?
“Restorative Justice (RJ) is a community-based approach to building, repairing, and restoring relationships. At its best, RJ provides a space for community members to be held accountable while participating in creating pathways to repair. It encourages stakeholders to reflect upon how their values and beliefs impact the greater community. Restorative Practices (RP) are specific responses within a community that aim to build capacity for members to discuss, dissect, and challenge individual perspectives” (Shana, June 6, 2016).
Restorative Practices in school allow students and staff to take accountability for their actions. RJ allows them to repair the harm caused by having a face-to-face discussion with two or more willing participants. RP provides the necessary training for students and staff to resolve conflicts through mutual solutions, which build relationships and foster positive school culture.
Why use Restorative Practices at ALHS?
Restorative Practices focus on building, maintaining, and when necessary, repairing relationships among all members of the school community thus building a positive school culture.
Restorative Practices are based on skill development, self advocacy, growth and deep learning, and not forcing compliance.
Foundational practices include connection circles, restorative conversations, mediations and conferencing.