Mission & Vision
The Fred N. Thomas Career Education Center Early College of Denver (CEC) is a choice, public high school (grades 9-12) within the Denver Public School District, located in northwest Denver near I-25 and Speer Boulevard. We offer 19 career pathways consisting of College dual enrollment, core coursework/credits, and industry level skills, and have been in operation since 1976. Our full-time students split their day with half core courses and half career, and we offer half-day career courses for part-time students as well. These part-time students can attend either in the AM or PM, for two and a half hours, Monday – Friday. The career classes are an innovative way for high school students to earn academic credits towards a college degree or industry certification while completing DPS high school graduation requirements.
CEC Mission
The mission of the Career Education Center Early College is to ensure that 100% of our students make successful life choices by supporting and guiding them in real-world college and career experiences.
CEC Vision
Preparing all students for career success in a global economy.
CEC Ethos
Do Something Real!
Somos Familia!
DPS & CEC Core Values
Students First
CEC Early College
2650 Eliot St.
Denver, CO 80211
Main line: 720-423-6600
Attendance line: 720-423-6649
Contact us
Copyright 2024 CEC Early College