
School Counseling website

School counselors perform the following roles in order to promote students’ positive development in academic, career and personal/social domains:

  • Provide interpersonal, academic, college and career guidance to individuals.

  • Provide academic, college and career guidance to small and large groups.

  • Attend and participate in academic intervention meetings.

  • Organize and administer academic testing.

  • Consult and collaborate with parents, teachers, administrators, social workers, psychologists, and students to ensure whole child wellness.

  • Respond to and provide support during a school crisis or emergency situations.

  • Provide information and resources to parents on a variety of issues.

As academic advisers, our counselors are committed to helping all students fulfill their potential while at DCIS and to ensuring their success after they graduate, whether they go to college, enter the workforce or military, or pursue other interests. Specifically, our counselors:

  • Meet with students to design and achieve personalized academic goals.

  • Meet with parents and teachers as needed to assess progress toward those goals.

  • Help students figure out their class schedules and make changes as needed.

  • Direct students toward enrichment opportunities (e.g., internships, college courses, summer camps) based on their interests.

  • Help guide students through the college application process.

  • Advise students who are not college-bound on viable alternatives.

  • Send out regular reminders about important dates and deadlines.

  • Contact parents of students with failing grades or other significant challenges to create action plans.

  • Help administer and proctor some standardized testing (i.e., PSAT, SAT, ACT) and Advanced Placement (AP) exams.

Our counselors also meet one-on-one with students related to any number of interpersonal concerns, which vary considerably between middle schoolers and high schoolers, and even between students in the first two versus the last two years of high school. That’s why we have counselors dedicated to each level:

Ethan Langsdorf

Ashley Zenner

Caroline Kerswill

Angelique Ocon

Julie DeGuire

Carter Quinn