Universal Mental Health Screening
Parents, guardians, and caregivers: please fill out this 5 minute form to help provide valuable insight on how we can better support students at DCIS.
As part of our effort to support the Whole Child, our school will be implementing a universal social and emotional screening for students.
Universal social and emotional screening can provide a fair and impartial way of looking at how students are progressing in their social and emotional development. Screenings can also help identify areas where school personnel can improve or adjust our supports.
To complete the parent portion of the screener, please take the form linked here.
Universal social and emotional screening is NOT an assessment or an evaluation. Instead, screenings are a useful tool to help identify students who may need extra social or emotional support. Additionally, universal screening allows DCIS to adapt school-wide and/or grade-level or classroom programming to meet the needs of the student body.
Denver Public Schools currently uses a social and emotional screening questionnaire called the Behavior and Emotional Screening System (BESS). The online tool takes approximately ten minutes to complete and consists of 28 questions for the student to answer.
The social and emotional screening will occur three times over the course of the school year. Repeated screening helps us determine if the supports we provide to students are effective in meeting their needs. We will begin screening students the week of September 18th, 2023.
You have the right, upon request, to review the questions on the screener. If you would like to review the questions on the social and emotional screener, please contact: Ethan Langsdorf: Ethan_Langsdorf@dpsk12.net.
As a parent/guardian, you can opt your student out of participation in the Student Self-Report Form. This opt out was an option through digital school enrollment packets at registration and/or in Parent Portal.
Again, please note that we will begin Student Self-Reports the week of September 18th.
Thank you for your assistance as we work together to educate and support your students!