Get Involved
Collaborative School Committee / Commander Conversations
Are you interested in joining the Collaborative School Committee to give input on the school budget, personnel, school goals, and the unified improvement plan and increasing enrollment? Email Tiffany Almon for more information! These meetings are held monthly, open to the community, and combined with the Commander Conversation Townhall.
Commander Connection PTSA
Join Commander Connection if you…..
Want to help JFK raise funds for student activities
Want to help JFK Students Succeed
Want to help recognize JFK Student successes
Want to recognize JFK Teachers’ successes
Share unique things about JFK in the community
Want to join our Parent Teacher Student Association, the Commander Connection? Sign up Today!
Adopt A Senior
This helps to cover expenses associated with senior year. To sign up, please email Tiffani Belcher at
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Want to be involved in making decisions regarding our English Language Acquisition programming? Join our ELA – Parent Advisory Committee by emailing Learn more about the ELA – Parent Advisory Committee.