LIGHT TEAM (Student Support Services)


The L.I.G.H.T. Center at Manual (Learners Inspired to Get Help Today) The L.I.G.H.T. Center is a one of a kind location for student to access social, emotional and academic supports. Within the L.I.G.H.T. Center students will find the school psychologist, social worker, deans and restorative justice coordinator. These are all supports for students to use in order to receive the social and emotional supports they need in order to get back into the classroom and become learners once again.

Restorative Approach at Manual

On the Manual campus we believe that students are far more alike than they are different. Students will have conflict because of their stage of life and differences of opinion but at Manual conflict is handled face-to-face and not with physical or verbal assault. Students who have a conflict will sit down with the restorative justice coordinator or a dean and be part of a facilitated conversation in which they will work to get at the root of the issue. If students can come to a working agreement on their conflict then they will return to class, if not then they will remain in the academic refocus room and separated until a resolution is found.