Course Offerings & Selection

Student playing violin

North High has an incredibly robust variety of courses we offer to our students, including 50 Honors, Advanced Placement, and Concurrent Enrollment options. We are relentless in making sure our students’ schedules include classes they are challenged by and passionate about. We encourage you to view Courses Offered 2023-2024 to see North High’s current offerings.

All students at North will take 4 years of math, 4 years of English/Literature, 3 years of science, 3 years of social studies, one additional year of science or social studies, two years of a foreign language and one year each of P.E. and fine art.

In addition to these core subject areas, North offers an incredibly robust and diverse selection of elective courses. Students needing additional support in their literacy and math skills will take smaller, highly focused reading and/or math intervention classes in addition to their English and math courses.

North’s Counseling Department builds each and every student’s schedule by hand. Other schools often use computer programs to build students’ schedules, but we find that only by hand building schedules will our students receive the courses necessary to further their academic growth.

Incoming 9th graders

  • Incoming 9th graders select their courses in April/May of their 8th grade year.

  • Parents/Guardians of incoming 9th graders will have several opportunities to review student course selections and make any updates.

  • Incoming 9th graders will be invited with their parents to an orientation event in April or early May to select courses.

In the meantime, we encourage you to view Courses Offered 2023-2024 to see North High’s offerings. 9th grade students typically take 4 core academic courses (English, Science, Math, Social Studies), an integrated Physical Education and Health course (1 semester), a Freshmen Seminar course (1 semester) and two electives of their choice.

10-12th Graders

Current North High students select their courses for the following year in early March in their Advisory class. Because these decisions will impact their options following graduation, we highly encourage families and mentors to support students in this process. Students have already met with their Advisory mentors and counselors to understand the DPS and North High graduation requirements.

North prides itself on ensuring every student is college and career ready upon graduation. We offer 50 rigorous academic Advanced Placement, Honors and Concurrent Enrollment classes, plus a multitude of elective options in world languages, technology, art, music, drama, and physical education.

North High School’s Honors, Concurrent Enrollment, and Advanced Placement (AP) courses are rigorous choices that strengthen students’ transcripts for college applications and can provide college credit.