Student Support Services
At North, we pride ourselves on offering a robust array of social-emotional supports to our students on-site at no cost to them or their families. These supports include individual therapy with credentialed partner providers (Denver Health, and Maria Droste Counseling Center), group interventions with school-based mental health team members, and referrals to more intensive community-based supports when appropriate. Please fill out the survey if you believe your student would benefit from more targeted support from our counseling and mental health teams.
You can also reach out to our Mental Health Team Lead, Meghan O’Connor, with any additional questions or concerns. She can be reached during normal school hours at 720-423-2751 or Email Meghan O’Connor.
If your student or someone else you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis, calling 1-844-493-8255 or texting TALK to 38255 will connect you to a licensed mental health provider. This service is available 24/7.
In the case of imminent risk to self or others, please call 911 or take your student to the nearest emergency room.
Additionally, Safe2Tell is a resource available to students and their parents/guardians to anonymously report non-emergency concerns including mental health difficulties, non-specific threats, and bullying. Reports can be submitted 24/7 by calling 1-877-542-7233 or visiting Safe2tell.