King Soopers Community Rewards Program
Help raise funds for TJ when you buy your groceries at King Soopers. King Soopers just made fundraising for TJ even easier! Instead of purchasing reloadable gift cards, you now simply link your SooperCard number or alternate ID (phone number) to TJ and we will receive a percentage of all purchases!
At the point of purchase, you must swipe your loyalty card or type in your alternate ID for your purchases to apply to TJ.
To get the benefits, you must register for the program:
Go to King Soopers and sign in to your digital account or create a new one.
Make sure your loyalty card number or alternate ID is associated with your digital account.
Click on Enroll Now
Search for Thomas Jefferson High School Partners or use code UT036
Click Enroll
That’s it! You are now enrolled and can help raise FREE money for TJ’s classroom grants, student events, and staff appreciation. Thank you!
How do I view my King Soopers Community Rewards details?
It takes approximately 10 days for the King Soopers Community Rewards total to begin displaying on your receipt.
You can view the total you earned during the last quarter by signing into your King Soopers account and selecting My Account. There is a tab for the Community Rewards Program. You can verify that TJ is listed as your Community Rewards beneficiary and see the amount you’ve contributed. TJ receives payments from King Soopers quarterly. The percentage TJ receives varies by quarter.
Questions? Email TJHS PTO