Balancing Board Districts

DPS Board of Education boundaries as of January 2023

The Denver Public Schools’ Board of Education is composed of five representative districts and two at-large members. According to Colorado state law, DPS is required to balance the population of the districts after each United States decennial census so that the total population in each district is close to equal, within 10 percent.
Currently, the five are not balanced. The difference between District 4 in the Far Northeast and District 2 in the Southwest is greater than the state-mandated 10%. In the spring of 2023, the Board of Education was presented with a single option to change these boundaries to ensure that the district is in compliance with the law.
The last time that the Board districts were adjusted was 2014.
From mid January to mid February, DPS hosted community engagement meetings to explain the process and receive feedback from the community. Beginning on Feb. 20, district staff compiled the feedback and create one recommended map to present to the Board at their scheduled Board Retreat on March 9, 2023.
The public shared feedback with the Board at the public comment session on March 20, 2023 and the Board was scheduled to vote on the plan on March 23, 2023.
In the winter of 2024, the Board re-engaged in the process. At the March 7th Board work session, the Board directed staff to hold 2 community meetings and create a survey to gather community input. The Board will hold a final vote on selecting a scenario, either A, B, or C, at the April 18th Regular Board Meeting.
Proposed Scenarios
As we move forward, maps that are being considered will be listed here. To enlarge a scenario map, please click on the image.