Wooden letters

Denver Schools Thrive Initiative

Addressing Declining Enrollment with Equity and Empathy

This is an infographic depicting the timeline associated with the Denver Schools Thrive Initiative.  In Sep.-Oct. '24 Regional Educational Engagement Sessions take place. In  Nov. '24  Recommendation Presented, Board and Superintendent Engagement, Public Comment and Board Vote takes place. In  Dec. '24 - Aug. '25  Supporting Your School Community Through Change takes place.


What is Executive Limitation 18?

Executive Limitation 18, or EL 18, provides guardrails on how the Superintendent approaches the process to address declining enrollment.

Why is it Necessary to Address Declining Enrollment?

Due to limited resources at schools impacted by low enrollment, not every student has access to the same opportunities. Addressing this challenge ensures that every student thrives, every teacher and leader is supported and our resources are used to create better opportunities for all of Denver’s students.

What is the Purpose of Regional Educational Engagement?

DPS is committed to serving students and communities equitably and empathically in this process. During September and October, DPS will host six regional meetings to discuss enrollment trends and engage in learning about declining enrollment with Denver communities.

What Happens Next?

On Nov. 7, the Superintendent will provide recommendations to the Board of Education. Following that, there will be an opportunity for engagement with the Board and the Superintendent, leading into Public Comment on Nov. 18. Next, the Board of Education will vote on the recommendation.

Benefits of Addressing Declining Enrollment

Improved Student Experience

  • Increased access to mental health resources.

  • Allowing for more time with specialized roles that serve numerous schools districtwide.

  • Increased funding for programs like art, P.E., technology and music.

Improved Staff Experience

  • More robust support from school and district leadership.

  • Greater opportunities for feedback, observation and coaching.

  • More funding directly in the classroom at all schools.

Improved Systems Experience

  • Maximized use of district resources.

  • Relieving pressure on operational services.

  • Additional program offerings.

  • More funding for improved learning environments.

This information is also available as a PDF.

Have more questions? View the Executive Limitation 18: Declining Enrollment Frequently Asked Questions here.

Regional Engagement Sessions

We encourage community members to stay involved by:

  • Attend Meetings: Participation in upcoming meetings and events.

  • Provide Feedback: Sharing thoughts and concerns through our various feedback channels.

  • Support Each Other: Working together as a community to support our students, families, and staff during this time of change.

Below are the dates and locations of the six regional meetings. If you are planning to attend one of these meetings, please complete this form.

Review the presentation material here.

Date & Time


Regional Engagement Session 1 (Southeast)

Tuesday, September 24
6:00-7:00 PM

South High School

Regional Engagement Session 2 (Central)

Wednesday, September 25
6:00-7:00 PM

Manual High School

Regional Engagement Session 3 (Northwest)

Monday, October 7
6:00-7:00 PM

CEC Early College

Regional Engagement Session 4 (Southwest)

Monday, October 14
6:00-7:00 PM

Abraham Lincoln High School

Regional Engagement Session 5 (Far Northeast)

Tuesday, October 15
6:00-7:00 PM

Montbello High School

Regional Engagement Session 6 (Virtual)

Tuesday, October 22
6:00-7:00 PM

Virtual (Zoom)





Phase 1

June 13, 2024

Board approved version 1 of Executive Limitation 18, or EL 18

August 15, 2024

Board discussed and revised Executive Limitation 18 in service of clarity to support operationalization

August 29, 2024

Superintendent provide update on timeline associated with EL18

Phase 2

Week of September 23 through October 18, 2024

Regional Education Engagement: Host six regional meetings to discuss enrollment trends, implications of declining enrollment and gather input

Phase 3

November 7, 2024

Superintendent bring forward recommendation to the Board of Education, incorporating community feedback and data analysis

November 18, 2024

Public Comment

November 21, 2024

Board slated to vote on recommendation

Phase 4

December 2024 - June 2025

Providing support and visioning together: Student, family and staff support; bring communities together to create shared vision; conduct school-level engagement meetings to prepare for the future, focusing on operational planning and student transitions

Phase 5

Fall 2025 and Beyond

Operationalize changes, monitor and improve

Frequently Asked Questions

If you would like to ask a question not answered here, please fill out this form.

Historical Executive Limitation 18 Proposal Resources

Proposal Frequently Asked Questions

Other Declining Enrollment Related Resources