Summer Programs

Summer programs are offered to DPS students when school is not in session during summer break. By offering both enrichments and academic content, these programs provide students with a safe and supportive environment for hands-on learning, exploring new skills and making new friends during the summer months. The following summer programs and resources are available through DPS and our community partners.
Elementary School (K-5)
Summer Academy
Summer Academy is a four-week academic program that is open to all rising first through fifth-grade DPS students at eligible schools. This program focuses on preparing elementary students for future success.
Discovery Link Summer Camps
Discovery Link Summer Camps offer students a lively, active environment where they can engage in a variety of experiences, including visual and performing arts, sports and Field Days, science, cultural exploration, and student-led activities.
Scholars Unlimited
Scholars Unlimited is hosting Summer Scholars, a 6-week, full-day summer program that focuses on literacy, social-emotional learning, arts and crafts, and outdoor fun.
Enrichment Exploration
Enrichment Exploration Summer Camp is a single subject a la carte enrichment camp offered by ELCS. Choose from Physical Activities, Arts, STEM, Science, Cooking and much more throughout the day!
Swimming Simply
DPS is partnering with Swimming Simply, to provide DPS students ages 7-13 with 4 weeks of swim instruction. Swimming Simply is a swimming program that deeply believes everyone can swim, and with specific tailoring of swim instruction and 4:1 expert coaching, everyone can find joy in the water!
Heart & Hand Center
Heart & Hand works to provide our youth with an enriching summer camp experience inclusive of academic support, field trips across the Denver metro area, and workshops that enable students to try new things like archaeology and tennis.
Middle School (6-8)
6th Grade Academy
This orientation program available at select middle schools is designed to prepare rising 5th-grade students for success in 6th grade. Contact your student’s school to find out if they offer this program.
Generation Teach STEAM Academy
This program is a free, 5-week Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM) academic acceleration summer program for DPS students who are entering grades 6-8.
Achieving Excellence Academy
This four-week cultural and ethnic studies program allows students, families and educators who identify as Black/African-American and Latinx to explore various racial, social, historic and modern civic complexities that marginalized communities face.
Fayola Man Summer Leadership Academy
Fayola Man Summer Leadership Academy is an 8-week leadership academy for young men and boys of color who will be in 6-8 grade for the school year. The summer academy components are focused on hip hop, character development, STEM, financial literacy, student voice, leadership, arts, career awareness, and academic readiness. We will use mentoring and social-emotional learning (SEL) tenets as the foundation for this academy.
Girls Inc. of Metro Denver
At Girls Inc. of Metro Denver, we believe that girls are innately powerful. Unfortunately there are still many barriers to success that young women and girls, especially girls of color, face. From physical and social emotional obstacles, to inequities in educational opportunities and more, it is imperative that girls get access to the tools, and develop the persistence needed, to overcome these obstacles.
Heart & Hand Center
Heart & Hand works to provide our youth with an enriching summer camp experience inclusive of academic support, field trips across the Denver metro area, and workshops that enable students to try new things like archaeology and tennis.
Mile High 360
Mile High 360 is a year-round out-of-school-time program engaging its students through a range of activities that include but are not limited to field trips, book/film clubs, biking, hiking, and art. Snacks and lunches will be provided every day.
High School (9-12)
9th Grade Academy
This orientation program, available at select high schools, is designed to prepare rising 8th-grade students for success in 9th grade. Contact your student’s school to find out if they offer this program.
Achieving Excellence Academy
This four-week cultural and ethnic studies program allows students, families and educators who identify as Black/African-American and Latinx to explore various racial, social, historic and modern civic complexities that marginalized communities face.
Career Academy
This summer, Career Academy is offering students the opportunity to explore careers in engineering and medicine.
Registration information is coming soon.
Concurrent Enrollment
Concurrent enrollment provides students with an opportunity to take college-level courses for free while still enrolled in high school. Participating students can earn college and high school credits at the same time.
LAUNCH Internship
Participating high schools offer juniors and seniors hands-on experience in select careers.
Ready for 202X
Ready for 202X is a program that helps give incoming freshmen the skills they need to be successful though high school and beyond.
Regional Summer School
This program is an opportunity for high school students to earn the credits that they need to graduate on time.
Registration information is coming soon.
All Grades
Denver Out of School Time
The City and County of Denver offers summer camps, virtual programs and safe spaces for children and teens at locations throughout the city.
Denver Youth Programs
Through the City and County of Denver’s Youth Program Locator, you can search for virtual or in-person programs that lead to kids staying safe, active and engaged.
Summer of Adventure
This free program offered by the Denver Public Library seeks to make reading fun for students of all ages.
Boys & Girls Club
Boys & Girls Club of Metro Denver is offering affordable summer programming to rising 1st-grade students who are 5 years old. All sites will offer cultural arts, STEM, technology, field trips, reading programs and special events for registered members.
Colorado “I Have A Dream” Foundation
This summer will include experiential activities and hands-on learning opportunities along with off-site learning trips in the Denver Metro area for all youth entering grades 3 through 10 in Fall 2023.
Girl Scouts of Colorado
Girl Scouts of Colorado offers several day camps in Denver and overnight summer camps in Bailey and Woodland Park for all girls, regardless if you’re a member. Girls can learn archery, paddle sports, horseback riding, and more, while exploring the outdoors.
The Girl Scout DreamLab in the Lowry neighborhood is a fun, flexible space where girls can climb the walls, try a STEM activity, create some art, or record a podcast. Drop-in activities are available, and regularly scheduled workshops and family events round out the summer fun.
Community Hubs
The DPS Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Community Hubs is a community resource center that connects students, families and community members with free services to increase their economic self-sufficiency and academic success.
MY Denver Card
The MY Denver Card provides youth ages 5-18 free access to recreation centers, swimming pools and various cultural facilities where they can participate in healthy, safe and fun activities after school, during school and summer breaks, and on the weekends.
Summer of Sora
Instantly access thousands of free ebooks and audiobooks online. Weekly prizes for students who participate in the Summer of Sora program!