During the week of Nov. 6-10, schools nationwide will celebrate National School Psychology Week (NSPW) to highlight the critical work School Psychologists do to help students thrive. Denver Public Schools has over 200 licensed school psychologists and graduate students who take leadership roles within our schools to support students, families, and the larger DPS community.
They hold expertise in building student success from system-level impacts to individual direct services. DPS School Psychologists provide prevention and intervention services across all Tiers and have been at the forefront of universal mental health screening with the BESS since its initial rollout. Through assessment, intervention and consultation, our DPS School Psychologists lead work in special education evaluations, including being the content experts in cognitive assessments and impact on our students. In addition, DPS School Psychologists guide the next generation of providers through strong supervision of graduate students and mentoring new staff members.
The 2023 NSPW theme, “Let’s Grow Together,” is inspired by the importance of both personal and shared strengths in our growth as individuals and school communities in every season of life. Our School Psychologists not only lead in teaching and guiding our school communities but proudly represent the work they are doing in DPS through presentations at professional conferences, both state and national, and holding a number of board positions with the state organization, the Colorado Society of School Psychologists.
As a district with the highest number of employed School Psychologists in the state, we honor their work and incredible contributions to our colleagues, students, families and Denver community. We are better because of them.