Media Advisory

DENVER - Join a group of Denver Public Schools Bruce Randolph students, staff, community partners, and community members in the unveiling of a special mural honoring the school's namesake and beloved community philanthropist, “Daddy Bruce” Randolph. 

The idea for the mural began last fall as a restorative response measure to support a group of five students. In collaboration with the GRASP youth organization, students were connected to Ulises Villa, a well-known mural and graffiti artist, to turn their passion for graffiti into a special work of art for the school community. 

Working with Ulises, the students developed a sketch of the mural that will represent their community and send a meaningful message. The mural, which incorporates “Daddy Bruce” Randolph, will also represent their school community in other ways, including a nod to Chicano culture, and a message to "stop the violence.”

Photo, video, and interview opportunities will be available. 

WHAT: The unveiling of a new, special mural at Bruce Randolph School.

WHO: Bruce Randolph students and staff, members from GRASP, and mural and graffiti artist Ulises Villa.

WHEN:  Monday, Feb. 26, 3:30 p.m.

WHERE: Bruce Randolph School, 3955 Steele St., Denver, CO 80205