Our DPS graduates will take many paths to pursue their dreams, and our schools prepare them for their futures.

Students in graduation gowns toss caps in the air

What does it mean to be ready for career and college?

Students who are ready for career and college understand what will be expected of them when they get to the next step in their career journey, and are prepared academically, socially and emotionally. The measurements we use to track college- and career-readiness look beyond test scores, and evaluate a student’s learning comprehension, character traits and workforce habits.

Who are we at Career and College Success (CCS)?

teacher and students work on cpr with dummy

Career and technical education (CTE) provides students with the academic and technical skills, knowledge and training necessary to succeed in future careers and develop skills they will use throughout their careers. CTE prepares students for the world of work by introducing them to workplace competencies, and makes academic content accessible to students by providing it in a hands-on context.

Teacher and students work on computers and smile

The DPS Career and College Success Career Development Team partners with industry professionals and higher education institutions to help students explore their career identity, visualize what’s possible, chart a plan for their futures, provide hands-on experience and expand their professional networks through a full-suite of WBL experiences.

teacher and student

Higher Education Academics oversees school-based academic programs meant to challenge students to reach their potential in their pursuit of college and a career. Our mission in HEA is to promote affordable and equitable access to career and college opportunities for all DPS students during their tenure in our district and beyond.

Rolling Out our New Strategic Roadmap

Denver Public Schools is proud to announce our new Strategic Roadmap. This new program allows us to support our students and continue to provide the most optimal student and adult experience for our scholars and faculty. For more information on the Strategic Roadmap and how your school is supporting the new initiatives to support our mission that Every Child Thrives, check out our website.

male student raising his hand at a computer

Explore how you can prepare

8th Grade Career Fair

Every school year in the Fall thousands of DPS students converge at Empower Field to speak with hundreds of industry and career professionals. Students will explore various career options learning more about their aspirations and interests! Please visit the 8th Grade Career Fair webpage to view a comprehensive list of all industry partners that will be in attendance!

8th grade career fair logo

Check out our new magazine: DPS Career Guide

Follow the official CCS social media pages to see more of our work!

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