Educational Audiology
Denver Public Schools has a team of educational audiologists that provides screening, diagnostic assessment, and related services to students with suspected or confirmed hearing challenges. Hearing and auditory function are critical to all aspects of a child’s linguistic, social, and academic development. All day, everyday, the school setting is filled with listening and communicating. When students have reduced hearing or auditory function, they may be unable to access their learning environment. Including the educational audiologist as a team member for such students will be integral to their success.

School Audiology Services
DPS educational audiologists support every school in the district including charter schools. Comprehensive services provided to schools and students include:
Collaboration with school nurses to follow up on hearing screenings
Comprehensive audiology assessments
Functional listening evaluations
Classroom observations
Consultation and collaboration with school teams (including intervention and special education teams)
Teaming with teachers of the deaf/hard of hearing to support students in special education
Direct support services to students using hearing technologies
Monitoring of students with known hearing challenges
Assistive Technology Services
Students with reduced hearing have unique technology needs. DPS educational audiologists are uniquely qualified to provide hearing technology services that include:
Monitoring of personal hearing devices such as hearing aids and cochlear implants
Evaluating the need for hearing assistive technology (HAT) such as remote microphone (FM) systems
Selecting, fitting, and monitoring hearing assistive technology (HAT)
Training staff, students, and families on use and management of hearing technology
Minor repairs and troubleshooting of personal and hearing assistive devices
Child Find Audiology Supports
Students who are preschool age and not yet enrolled in DPS are able to access hearing and/or audiology screening and assessment with the DPS Child Find team and educational audiologist who works on the Child Find team. Families and children transitioning from early intervention services into DPS preschool are also supported by the DPS Child Find audiologist.
Referrals and Testing Information
If you suspect your child has difficulty hearing, please reach out first to the school nurse at your child’s school. The nurse may be able to perform a screening at school to determine whether further testing is needed. If your child has a diagnosed hearing loss or other auditory dysfunction, you may reach out directly to the DPS educational audiology team at the contact information below. As with all special education evaluations and related services, there is no charge to parents for these services.
Contact Us
P: 720-423-2400
Manager: Michelle Chacon