School hours
The school instructional day is: 8:35 am – 3:25 pm.
Breakfast begins at 8:00 am and students are dismissed to go to the playground to line up at 8:30 am.
For the safety of our students, during the school day, every door entering the school will be locked. If students are tardy, they will need to enter through the front door and receive a tardy slip to enter class. Visitors will need to be buzzed in at the front door and report to the office.
Drop off and Pick up:
Students who walk to school should be safe and responsible on the way to and from school. Students will be encouraged to leave the playground to walk home as soon as school ends.
Caregivers who drive their students to school may either park on the street and walk to drop off or pick up their students on the playgourn or enroll in our “Kiss and Go/Greet and Get” Lane program. If caregivers sign up for the Kiss & Go/Greet & Get" program, they will drop off/pick up students on Perry Street (area that is painted with polka-dots). Caregivers may not park in this area and are asked to stay in their car during drop off/pick up. When students are dropped off, they will enter the playground to go to breakfast or line up with their teacher. More information about drop-off & pick-up traffic and safety.
Please do not park or drop off students in the parking lot.
If students are tardy, they will need to enter through the front door and receive a tardy slip to enter class.
There is NO supervision of students on the playground before or after school.
Student Supervision:
Student supervision begins on the playground daily at 8:25 am and ends daily at 3:35 pm.
Bus Conduct:
In order to ensure safety of students riding the bus, students should: use the bus/bus stop that is assigned to them, treat others with respect, talk quietly, and keep arms and belongings in the bus.
Emergency Information:
In case of an emergency, it is important that parents/guardians ensure that correct information is on file at the school. Please update the office staff and teachers as needed, including: parent/guardian names, address, phone numbers, emergency contacts and numbers, and medical information.
If a student is unable to attend school, parents should call 720-424-7784 before 9:00 AM. Though students should remain home if they have a fever or are vomiting, regular attendance is essential to a student’s success in school. If students are late to school, they will have to enter the building through the front door, get a tardy slip from the secretary, and then report to class. Parents should work hard to support students in developing responsibility and strong work habits through making sure students come to school every day and on time. Excessive absences or tardies may result in an attendance plan developed through parents and the school staff.
Illness/Injury/Health Clinic:
There is a health clinic on-site for students needing assistance. Edison has a part-time nurse and a part-time health aid. If students are injured or sick, caregivers will be notified. Students will only be allowed to leave school withcaregiver permission and with people listed on the emergency contact forms.
Medication is allowed at school after being approved by the nurse and bottles must be clearly identified, in the original container, with dosage instructions. A doctor’s signed form must accompany the medication. Only the nurse or approved designees may dispense medication. Download a PDF of the medication policy here.
Dress Code:
Please see our Student Expectations page
Lost and Found:
All clothing found on the school grounds will be placed in the lost and found box inside the cafeteria. Please write your child’s name in coats to support returning lost clothing to children. All lost and found items not picked up in a timely matter will be donated.
Problems at School:
It is very important for children to view teachers and parents as a team working together for the best interest of the child. Therefore, if you or your child is having a problem at school, it is the school policy that you first speak to the teacher about this problem. Please try to work as a team to resolve problems. If problems continue please call the office and set up a meeting with the principal or assistant principal.
Learn more about our school using these links:
Contact information
3350 Quitman Street, Denver, CO 80212
Office: (720) 424-7780
Attendance: (720) 424-7784
Principal - Sally Whitelock
Assistant Principal - Samantha Aragon
Michelle Miller - Email Michelle Miller
Barbara Schrant - Email Barbara Schrant