Decision Making Committees

In order to make quality decisions in a collaborative fashion, all teachers at Edison participate in a decision making committees. Members of each committee have the responsibility to share discussions and decisions with their colleagues, solicit feedback and ideas from their colleagues, and problem solve with the best interest of the students and the school.

The CSC (Collaborative School Committee) advises the school leadership regarding the budget, the Unified Improvement Plan, safety and discipline procedures and curricular adoptions. The CSC consists of four caregivers, one community member, one teacher and one classified staff, in addition to the principal and assistant principal. (See CSC page for additional information.)

School Leadership Team (SLT)

Serves the purpose and functions of the Professional Development Committee and provides leadership for school improvement (Unified Improvement Plan), student achievement initiatives, and operational practices in the school.


  • Reviewing and collaborating with the principal in the development of the Unified Improvement Plan

  • Reviewing the design of and schedule for the professional development plan

  • Reviewing the budget

  • Reviewing and problem solving implementation of the instructional program as it specifically applies to classrooms and grades at the school

  • Developing communication strategies for regularly reporting student progress to parents

  • Implementing best instructional practices

  • Data analysis/accountability

  • Developing schedules to support instructional practices

  • Developing structures and practices to ensure a safe school environment

Engagement Committee

The purpose of the Engagement Committee is to ensure strong communication and engagement of the community of Edison. In addition, the committee makes decisions regarding:


  • Scheduling all community engagement events for the school year

  • Planning and overseeing all community engagement events

  • Communicating effectively with the community

  • Establishing structures/systems to ensure strong communication with the community

  • Establishing structures that support volunteers

  • Collaborating with the PTAThe

Equity Committee

The purpose of the Equity Committee is to ensure a safe, positive school culture at Edison. In addition, the committee oversees PBIS, Olweus, code of conduct, discipline, student enrichment activities, and attendance issues at Edison.


  • Scheduling, planning and overseeing all student engagement events for the school year: enrichment days, gotcha celebrations, CSAP party, etc.

  • Establishing processes to support attendance issues

  • Establishing processes to ensure consistent, school-wide code of conduct and discipline

  • Evaluating and problem solving issues related to consistent implementation the Positive Behavior Intervention Supports programming for the school

  • Reviewing and problem solving issues related to consistent implementation of the Olweus Bully Prevention program

  • Reviewing and analyzing data related to: attendance, tardies, and discipline

Personnel and Social Committee

The purpose of the Personnel and Social Committee is to screen, interview, and hire a strong teaching staff for Edison Elementary. In addition, the committee plans and organizes social events for the staff at Edison.


  • Screen, interview, and hire teachers who will support Edison in achieving its mission and vision

  • Planning and organizing social events for Edison staff (Christmas party, end of year party, appreciation gifts, celebrations of staff)