Attendance Policy
The School District has set an attendance expectation of 95% for elementary school students. It is typical for students to miss about six days of school over the course of the entire school year. We become concerned that a lack of attendance during the school year may be negatively impacting your child’s education.
When students are not in school, they can fall behind in their learning. Missing school can create gaps in learning. We know that attendance in elementary school is one of the biggest predictors for success in middle and high school. Your child cannot learn new material being taught in class if he/she is not in school.
The Edison Elementary School Attendance Committee monitors and supports student attendance. Consistent attendance is key to students’ learning, and families are expected to ensure their children are in school every day. We take all absences, tardies, and early pick-ups very seriously, as they can interfere significantly with student learning. With the exception of illness and extreme extenuating circumstances, please do not allow your student to miss school.
General Absences
All absences are treated as missed learning time. When an absence is unavoidable, please call the school by 9am. Documentation from a physician is required if students are absent more than 2 days in a row due to a medical reason.
It is very important that students are at school on time, as chronic tardies can hinder learning. When your student is tardy, you must walk your student up to the school for them to sign in.
Early Pick-Ups
Students are expected to be at school until the end of the school day, every day. Early pick-ups are treated the same way as tardies and will count as missed time from school.
Suspensions are unexcused absences.