Visit our PTA website

Officers 2023-2024:

The Edison Parent/Teacher Association is a school sanctioned organization supported by the State and Federal PTA. The PTA is committed to supporting the school in providing activities that promote parent engagement, educational opportunities, legislative support, personal wellness, earthly awareness, and fundraising events for the Edison community.

Parent Involvement Opportunities & Volunteer Policy

At Edison, we strongly encourage and welcome parent volunteers in the classrooms, in the school, and with the PTA. In order to ensure that all volunteers at our school are safe to be with our students, all volunteers need to complete the volunteer application prior to volunteering at the school or with the PTA. All volunteers must apply annually. 

Support at home:

The way that parents communicate with their children and support their children at home greatly impacts a student’s success at school. Parents can support their student’s learning through:

  • role modeling

  • reading with their children

  • talking with their students about school

  • encouragement

  • support with homework

Communication with the school:

On-going communication with the school and teachers is vital to children being successful at school. Parents are encouraged to:

  • stay informed through the Edison webpage and classroom blogs

  • keep updated through the Edison newsletter and classroom newsletters

  • attend parent-teacher conferences, and

  • email, call or set up a meeting with the classroom teacher


Parents can actively support the education of children by supporting the school and teachers in education in the classroom and during educational events. Some volunteering options include (all volunteers must be approved through DPS procedures, see above):

  • volunteer in the classroom supporting instruction or preparing materials

  • chaperone students on a field trip

  • help in the library

  • volunteer for a PTA committee

Decision Making:

Parent involvement in school decisions supports the school in ensuring a collaborative leadership model and in meeting the needs of all stakeholders. Parents can support with decision making through:

  • become a member of the CSC

  • take a leadership role on the PTA

  • join the Personnel Committee

Community events:

The Edison Parent Teacher Association (PTA) in collaboration with the team of teachers on the Parent Engagement Committee plan community events throughout the school year. Parents can support these events through:

  • supporting the PTA in organizing community events

  • joining the fundraising committee of the PTA

  • volunteering at a community event

  • bringing their children to a community event