Core Curriculum
Edison Elementary is committed to strong implementation of a guaranteed and viable core curriculum in literacy, mathematics, social studies and science.
The literacy curriculum at Edison uses the following instructional programs:
Core Knowledge Language Arts (Kindergarten – Grade 2) and Expeditionary Learning (Grades 3-5) for whole group reading instruction; Writing Alive for whole group writing instruction; guided reading for small group instruction; and the Accelerated Reader (AR) program for independent reading.
English Language Development is an integral component of the literacy plan at Edison. Teachers integrate English Language Development (ELD) into daily reading, writing, math, science and social studies lessons. The strategies provided are research based and intended to offer help to mainstream teachers who have English Language Learners (ELLs) in their classrooms.
The mathematics curriculum at Edison is Eureka Math (also known as EngageNY math), a research-based, comprehensive K-6 curriculum that provides a sequence of instruction that builds upon and extends the knowledge and skills of the previous year. Through this math curriculum, students develop a strong conceptual understanding of math concepts, fluency of math skills and an ability to reason mathematically through application problems.
Science & Social Studies
All Science and Social Studies standards are taught through inquiry-based and project-based learning units of study which last several weeks. Teachers at Edison use Colorado State Academic Standards to inform the content. Science is taught using the Amplify science curriculum. Social Studies is taught using the Inquiry Journeys curriculum. Students participate in hands-on activities, field trips, research and collaborative design thinking projects to learn science and social studies.
Multi-tiered Support System
A Multi-tiered support system model is implemented at Edison to ensure that all students receive core instruction and that all students are challenged and supported to ensure academic growth and success. A master instructional schedule ensures that a guaranteed and viable curriculum, which addresses all state standards, is provided to all students. In addition, students who are assessed to be below grade level receive support and provided with research-based interventions. Additionally, students who are above grade level are also challenged to grow academically.
21st Century Skills
21st century skills are embedded throughout the instructional day at Edison. Therefore, every classroom promotes growth in critical thinking and reasoning, information literacy, self-direction, collaboration, invention/innovation and creativity in the development of life-long learners. Student learning is also supported through the use of technology and project-based learning.