Classroom Placement

To provide a fair and transparent process for placing students in classrooms and with specific teachers each year, the following process will be used:

  • In March, parents and guardians will receive a Parent Input for Classroom Assignments Form. This form will ask for details about the social and educational needs of their child, but will not specifically ask for teacher requests. Grade level teachers and administrators will consider this information when determining classroom/teacher assignments for the fall.

  • Grade level teachers and administrators will then complete classroom assignments together making sure that placement considers the needs of individual students and the needs of the entire grade level. A student’s individual learning styles, academic achievement levels, academic needs, equal #s by gender, social, emotional and behavioral needs of students and information on Parent Input Form will all be considered.

  • Teachers and administrators will NOT decide classroom placement based on parent/guardian requests for specific teachers. ALL classroom/teacher assignments will be shared with parents and students on registration day in the FALL, after registration/verification paperwork has been completed and turned in.

HGT Program:

  • HGT identification determinations are made at the district level based on specialized testing.

  • Edison is identified by DPS as a magnet for the Highly Gifted and Talented program. Students identified with HGT needs will be cluster grouped in one or more classrooms (a minimum of 5 students per cluster) and challenged through differentiation, project based learning and acceleration. Students will be ability grouped in advanced reading or advanced math based on achievement scores.

If parents/guardians would like to share ideas about their student’s learning style for placement, they will need to fill out the Parent Input form and return it to the main office.