Online Resources
AR BookFinder (Finding AR books for your child to read at home is easy using the AR Book Finder online program. You can search for appropriate books and save them to your Book Bag to print out and take to your local library or bookstore.)
Starfall (Primary interactive literacy site)
Zoom Dinosaurs (Dinosaur coloring / information printouts)
Storyplace: The Children’s Digital Library (Primary level, Spanish and English stories)
Math & Science
IXL Math (math practice for students in 3rd-5th grade who have memberships purchased by Edison’s PTA)
A+ Math (Math games and flashcards)
Cool Math (Math lessons and games designed for fun!)
Weather Wiz Kids (This science site is written by a meteorologist. There are math activities here as well as photos of weather and quizzes about weather.)
Amby’s Education Site: Math Resources (A great collection of resources for math)
Create a Graph (Students enter data, titles, axis names to create bar, pie, line and area graphs online – printouts look great.)
Math Freeware Downloads (A page with downloadable math programs)
Math Forum (Another clearinghouse for math activities)
Aunty Math – Math Challenges for K-5 Learners (Math “challenges” that you can change the difficulty level of – really focuses on strategies and thought process)
Pedagoguery Software (Download source for great program (Poly 1.09) for geometric solids/nets)
Jeff Weeks’ Topology and Geometry Software (Download source for “Kali 4.1” – great for symmetry, design, geometry)
Math and Business Resource Guide (Play games to learn about running a business)
Science & Social Studies
Missouri Botanical Garden (Great site for BIOMES research)
Arty the Part-Time Astronaut (Interactive site for solar system/space fun
US Presidents: United In Service (Social Studies site for researching US Presidents)
Doing History, Keeping the Past (Use for 4th Grade Colorado History all year)
Curriculum Collections
WNET Education (Interesting collection of lessons sorted by grade and content area – with online resources and some tied to PBS programming)
Teacher Resources
Trackstar (Teachers use this webpage to create unit plans)