Drop-off & Pick-up Traffic

In order to ensure the safety of Edison’s students and community before and after school, please support us with the following when dropping off and picking up your children.

map Drop-off & Pick-up Traffic

Parking lot:

  • The parking lot is for DPS staff ONLY, please DO NOT park, drop off or pick up students in the parking lot.

Kindergarten students:

  • Kindergarten students are dropped off/picked up on the southeast side of Quitman Street.

  • Parents/guardians/siblings must pick up Kindergarten students and let the teacher know you are taking the student.

1st-5th grade students:

  • 1st-5th grade students are dropped off/picked up in the playground on the east side of the building.

School bus zone:

  • School buses park on the east side of the school on the south-west side of Perry Street

  • DO NOT park in the school bus zone.

 Kiss and Go/Greet and Get lane:

  • Parents who do not want to park and stay with their 1st-5th grade students on the playground may drop off their 1st-5th grader in the student drop off lane between 8:20 and 8:30. We ask parents to NOT park in the Kiss and Go/Greet and Get lane on the northwest side of Perry Street, by the playground/community garden.

  • In order to help with the afternoon traffic, parents who have 1st-5th grade students may sign the child permission form to allow their child to be ready and waiting at the Greet and Get lane between 3:30 and 3:40 on the northwest side of Perry Street, by the playground/community garden.

  • This is only for cars. Walkers and students of parents who park must be picked up on the playground.

  • To use the Kiss and Go/Greet and Get lane parents should pull up to the curb on the west side of Perry Street, stay in their car, and move forward as space allows. Do NOT leave your vehicle.

  • Cars may only stop long enough for their child/ren to get into the car.

  • You must pick up your child at 3:30.  If your child is not picked up by 3:40, we will bring them to the office and you must find legal parking and come inside to sign them out. Please notify the office if someone other than those on the permission slip will be picking up your student.

  • Cell phones must not be used in the Kiss and Go/Greet and Get lane.

  • All Colorado Motor Vehicle laws (seat belts and car seats) must be observed.

Front of building:

  • The east side of the street in front of the school is a loading zone. You CANNOT park your car there.

  • If you drop your student off or pick them up in front of the school and are traveling south, you must park your car on the west side of the street and walk your student across the street. Please DO NOT allow your students to cross the street alone and through traffic traveling north. Always cross at the corners.

  • If you drop your student off or pick them up in front of the school and are traveling north, you must drop or pickup your student at the curb, DO NOT PARK or leave your vehicle. Cars may only stop long enough for child/ren to get out of or into the car.