School Culture
Positive Behavior Intervention Support
We support the use of PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) at Edison to encourage positive behavior and reinforce the importance of prosocial behaviors and discourage disruptive and negative behaviors.
Character Education
The Edison character education character traits are reflected in our motto “Edison CARES”. CARES is an acronym for the following list of character traits:
R-Respectful and Responsible,
E-Empathetic, and
Students discuss and learn about these character traits throughout their education at Edison.
Monday Morning Announcement video and Student Character Awards
The PBIS coordinator will determine a focus character trait every 2 weeks and share this on the Monday morning announcement video. Teachers will share the Monday morning announcements video each Monday and discuss the character trait during Morning Meetings weekly.
Each week, teachers/staff will nominate students who demonstrated the character trait of that week. The PBIS coordinator will randomly choose 2-3 students who win a prize for the week.
Spirit Fridays
The first Friday of each month, we will have a Spirit Friday in which students dress up (PJ day, Hat day, etc).
Positive Reinforcement
ll Edison teachers will have a positive reinforcement system. It is important for teachers to have the flexibility to respond to the needs of their students and classes, as well as create systems that work for them, however all systems will be positive, inclusive and supportive of student growth of positive work habits and social skills. Teachers may use: Class Dojo, Edison Earnings, team points, marble jars, prize boxes, etc.
Compliments Class Celebrations
When students in an entire class receive a compliment, the teacher will celebrate this in the classroom with the classroom reinforcement system.
Classroom Morning Meetings
Teachers will lead a morning meeting every day during the first 20 minutes of the day. Morning meetings will support: a positive classroom community, teach social emotional skills, provide opportunities for restorative circles, inclusivity and provide time for goal setting. During this time, teachers teach and reinforce behavioral expectations, conflict resolution skills and anti-bullying skills, in addition to, having fun with students to build community.
Social Emotional Lessons
The PBIS coordinator and School Psychologist will teach social emotional lessons (bully proofing, problem solving, identity, equity) in every classroom during morning meetings every 2-4 weeks using Riding the Waves and other SEL curriculum resources. Weekly, all classroom teachers lead SEL lessons using Harmony SEL curriculum to support mastery of these skills.
Student Mentors/ Buddy Classrooms
Primary and intermediate classes will have buddy classrooms. Intermediate students will have the opportunity to mentor a primary aged child around school expectations, bully proofing and Edison Character traits. The buddy classrooms will meet 2 times a month for 30 mins during non-Core instruction time. Students engage in activities such as: book buddies, social-emotional lessons, collaborative art, projects, etc.
Recess 2.0
Edison’s Positive Behavior Supports coordinator organizes recess at Edison to ensure that the playground is safe and inclusive. At recess, students have the opportunity to play a variety of structured games and to socialize with peers, as well as participate in peaceful recess (quieter games/activities like legos). The PBIS coordinator teaches students fun and inclusive games and proactive problem solving. At recess, students learn the rules – Be safe, Be kind, Be respectful, and Have fun. Students learn to use Rock-Paper-Scissors to solve low-level disagreements. All of Edison’s recess monitors receive Playworks-based strategies training to support our fun, safe, structured playground.