Instructional Program
Classroom Expectations and Management:
Though it is important for there to be consistency across the school in curriculum and in school rules, it is also important for teachers to have the flexibility to differentiate in their classroom. Therefore, teachers establish classroom expectations and classroom management systems that work for them. Teachers will communicate their classroom expectations and classroom management system to students and parents at Back to School night and throughout the year. Please talk to the teacher first if you have any concerns about your student and classroom management expectations.
Homework is important as an extension of the learning that takes place at school. Typically homework will either provide practice for skills learned in school or provide an opportunity for additional research and investigation into a topic being studied at school. Parents are encouraged to support their child with developing positive homework routines including: a quiet place to work, on-time completion of homework, and daily reading at home.
Parent-Teacher Conferences:
Parent-Teacher conferences occur at the end of October for all students and provide teachers, students and parents an opportunity to set educational goals. Teachers schedule Parent-Teacher conferences again in February for students who are below grade level or having difficulty in school. Teachers schedule conferences with parents during these times. If parents or teachers feel additional conferences are needed, appointments can be arranged at any time.
Grading Policies:
Teachers at Edison use the DPS Standards-based report card and grading system. Students are assessed three times per year (each Trimester), using a body of evidence, and compared to grade level standards. Report cards are sent home at the end of each Trimester.
To learn more: