Student Discipline Policy

All teachers at Edison set high, clear expectations at the beginning of the year regarding classroom and school-wide rules and behaviors. Teachers will hold students accountable for safe and respectful behaviors through creating positive classroom environments, positive reinforcement, restorative practices and consequences when appropriate.

There are times when a student may choose a course of action that requires a consequence that affords them the opportunity to evaluate the choice made, the results of that choice, and what might have been a better choice. If students do not choose to participate and/or contribute to the creation of a positive school culture, the following disciplinary steps will be followed:

DPS and Edison Discipline Ladder

Type One Offenses

Classroom Teacher Managed Levels

Classroom disruption, Disrupting school activityPicking on, bothering, or distracting other students

Use of profanity or vulgarity

Minor defiance of authority/disobedience

Verbal insults or put-downs

Use of cell phones

Minor damage or defacement of school property

Minor physical aggression with another student (e.g., pushing, shoving)

Other minor school-based misconduct


Excessive tardiness

Dress code violation

Tobacco offenses

Unauthorized use of school equipment


Scholastic dishonesty

Level A – Teacher, Student (minor and not repetitive)

  1. Student tells his/her side of the story

  2. Teacher counsels with student

  3. Engage the student in a restorative practice (as appropriate)

  4. Construct and implement interventions as appropriate

Level B – Teacher, Student, Parent/Guardian (ongoing issue, not resolving)

  1. Student tells his/her side of the story

  2. Teacher notifies the parent/guardian

  3. Engage the student in a restorative practice (as appropriate)

  4. Modify or construct and implement interventions as appropriate

  5. Document all interactions and monitor all interventions (in IC conference)

Level C – Teacher, Support Staff, Student, Parent/Guardian (not resolving after Level A & B)

  1. Teacher or designed staff member decides whether to request the support of the school psychologist, school social worker, school nurse, counselor, or any other member of the support staff

  2. Teacher notifies the parent/guardian and invites them to a conference

  3. Student tells his/her side of the story

  4. Teacher conferences with other staff members as appropriate

  5. Engage the student in a restorative practice (as appropriate)

  6. Modify or construct and implement interventions as appropriate

  7. Document all interactions and monitor all interventions (in IC conference)

Type Two Offenses

Building Leader Managed Levels

Recurring Type One offenses

Behavior that significantly interferes with the smooth flow of
a classroom, assembly, or school-sanctioned event.

Severe defiance of authority/disobedience

Bullying: Level I – the use of coercion or intimidation through written, verbal, or electronically transmitted expression to obtain control over another person OR to cause physical, mental or emotional harm to another person.


False activation of a fire alarm

Possession of fireworks/firecrackers

Harassment based on race, color, religion, national origin, immigration/citizenship status, ancestry, age, veteran status, disability, or genetic information

Harassment based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, transgender status,

Consensual but inappropriate physical contact

Destruction or theft of school property, including graffiti (under $500)


Theft from an individual (under $500)

Level D

  1. Documentation of interaction and intervention is provided to Building Leader by classroom teacher and/or support staff

  2. Student tells his or her side of the story

  3. Building Leader conferences with parent/guardian

  4. Building Leader identifies the discipline offense using the Discipline Matrix

    1. Complete Mandatory Referrals as indicated by the Discipline Matrix

    2. Complete Essential Protocols as indicated by the Discipline Matrix

  5. Refer to and utilize the Intervention Guide for the intervention for the specific offense

  6. Engage the student in a restorative practice (as appropriate)

  7. Construct and implement a Behavior Plan (general education students) or Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan (students with a disability)

  8. Building Leader may give In-School-Suspension of 0 to 3 days when safety concerns exist and planning time is needed to reintegrate student into learning setting

  9. Document all referrals and interactions. Monitor all interventions.

Note: ECE through 3rd grade students may not receive the Type Two: Recurring Type One offense


Type Three Offenses

Building Leader Managed Levels

Recurring Type One offenses

Behavior that significantly interferes with the smooth flow of
a classroom, assembly, or school-sanctioned event.

Bullying: Level II – the use of coercion or intimidation through physical conduct to obtain control over another person OR to cause physical, mental or emotional harm to another person.

Mutual fighting


Harassment based on race, color, religion, national origin, immigration/citizenship status, ancestry, age, veteran status, disability, or genetic information

Harassment based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, transgender status,

Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Possession of alcohol, unauthorized legal or illegal drugs

Destruction or theft of school property, including graffiti ($500
– $5000)

Theft from an individual ($500 -$5000)

Level E

  1. Repeat Level D steps 1 through 5

  2. Engage the student in a restorative practice (as appropriate)

  3. Construct and implement a Behavior Plan (general education students) or Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan(students with a disability)

  4. For students in the 4th through 12th grades, the Discipline Building Leader may give 0 to 3 days In-School Suspension and/or 0 to 1 day Out-of-School Suspension when safety concerns exist and planning time is needed to reintegrate student into learning setting (If an OSS is given, only 0 to 1 day ISS can be given)

  5. ECE – 3rd grade students can be suspended for 1 day only for the purpose of safety planning for the student and for the school community.

  6. Document all referrals and interactions. Monitor all interventions.

Note: ECE through 3rd grade students may not receive the Type Three: Recurring Type Two offense

Type Four Offenses

Building Leader Managed Levels

Recurring Type One offenses

Habitual disruption

Other student behavior presenting an active or ongoing danger to the welfare or safety of school occupants


Witness Intimidation or Retaliation

Unlawful sexual behavior, unlawful sexual contact, and indecent exposure

Child Abuse

Hazing activities

Assault, harassment, false allegation of abuse or willfully causing property damage against a school employee

Possession of an explosive (non-fireworks/firecrackers) that
seriously endangering the welfare or safety of others

Theft from an individual (over $5000)

Destruction or theft of school property (over $5000)

Third Degree Assault


Level F

  1. Repeat Level D steps 1 through 5

  2. Engage the student in a restorative practice (as appropriate)

  3. Construct and implement a Behavior Plan (general education students) or Functional Behavior Assessment/Behavior Intervention Plan (students with a disability)

  4. For students 4th through 12th grades, the Building Leader may give 0 to 3 days In-School Suspension (ISS) and/or 0 to 3 days Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) when safety concerns exist and planning time is needed to reintegrate student into learning setting.

  5. ECE – 3rd grade students can be suspended for 1 day only for the purpose of safety planning for the student and the school community. Expulsion may not be requested.

  6. For behaviors of 4th through 12th grade students that significantly impact staff or student safety, the Building Leader may request approval of an extension to an Out-of-School Suspension and an Expulsion Hearing if the incident warrants the request

  7. Document all referrals and interactions. Monitor all interventions.

Type Five and Six  Offenses

Building Leader Managed Levels with additional supports/reporting

Dangerous Weapon

Sale or distribution of, or intent to sell, unauthorized drugs or controlled substance

Sexual assault, First degree assault

Second degree assault, Robbery, Firearm

Consultation and reporting to district Safety & Security, Denver Police Department, DPS Legal Department

Threat assessment completed Safety Plan

Out of School Suspension

Possible Expulsion